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Purple Crown
The Kingdom Woman

This series has been a long time coming. All inspiration has been drawn from Chrystal Hurst's book, "Kingdom Woman". I read it over and over; it's just that good. Be encouraged, inspired and ready to embrace your role as a woman of The Kingdom.

A Woman Of Value

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well.”


— (Psalm 139:13-14. NIV)

You are much more valuable than you may even realise.


You're a daughter of the King; you are uniquely called and positioned to live devoted to God as one of His primary agents for advancing His purposes on earth. That is a high calling, and He will enable you to live it well.


Never forget your value. Never settle for less than who you truly are. 


You weren’t created because Adam needed a companion. By that I mean, God’s creation of the woman wasn’t because God saw that it ‘wasn’t good that the man should be alone’. As far as Adam was concerned, he had no clue he needed someone. Adam took no part in the creation of Eve other than taking a nap whilst God did a quick work with one of his ribs. Eve’s first calling was to God. As a woman of value in The Kingdom, your first calling is to God. 


Eve’s first calling was to fulfil God’s purpose for her; being Adam’s helpmate in the dominion mandate. She had a significant role with Adam to fulfil it. The dominion mandate was when God blessed them ‘and said to them to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it’. (Genesis 1:28). Adam was responsible for this coming to pass; Eve being his helper in fulfilling it. Do you see the great value placed on Eve?


What if Eve hadn’t fulfilled her calling? It leads to the question of, “Would I be here today?”, “Would the virgin Mary be? To conceive our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?” And if Jesus wasn’t given birth to….need I say more?


This is just to show you that as a Kingdom Woman, the value God has placed upon your life, comes with a divine and specific purpose. Just think this. One woman, Eve; today, we have a world of humanity. One woman, the virgin Mary; today we have a mediator in whom we can receive Salvation.


You are more than a ‘helper’.

“So many women have been taught that because God deemed woman as a ‘helper’ for Adam, women are consequently ‘less than men.’ -Chrystal


You are less than no man. You are less than no woman. You’ve been given a unique worth. “Yeah but the bible says that we’re the weaker vessel.” 


Have you read the scripture in The Message Translation? It’s from 1 Peter 3:7. That portion says, ‘they (women) lack some of your advantages.’ There some abilities God has placed in the male that the female cannot carry out. The same way He has deposited abilities in us that the male cannot carry out. You cannot be the head of your home. God has specifically designated that responsibility to the male. You were created with an ability, one of them being carrying the fruit of the womb. The male wasn’t created with those bodily features. Men ‘lack’ some of our advantages, the same way we ‘lack’ some of theirs.


As a woman of The Kingdom, I have a very high value placed on me. I have discovered my calling, and it’s only for the glorification of my Father. Being a woman of value to me means I’m a significant member of the body of Christ; having a duty only I can carry out. It means God has entrusted into my hands a purpose that must be fulfilled. Being given so much value, it also means to me not settling for anything less than what my creator has created me to be. It means confidence; it means strength; it means taking pride in my uniqueness, taking pride in the fact that there is no one else like myself on the face of the earth. Being a woman of value to me means refusing to be relegated by any being. It means to me, standing up for what is right and standing up for what I believe in. 


Not only has He bought me with the highest price, but He’s also crowned and honoured me with such a high value as His daughter. You are valuable to God.

A Woman Of Commitment

“Sometimes God lets you be in a situation that only He can fix, so you will discover that He is The only one who can fix it.”


— Chrystal (paraphrased)

This chapter of the book ministers to me the most. I love every word written in this book. But this chapter encourages me in The Lord the most. Tears well up anytime I read this chapter because I can relate to it so much. You know when a situation looks so dark and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel? But then the mighty hand of God comes and handpicks you out of that dark place?


That’s what this chapter is.


Being a woman of commitment is all about keeping up the faith no matter what life throws at you. Against all odds. Against all the fiery darts of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16)


We all know the story of the woman in 2 Kings 4. She lost her husband and was left with her two boys. In biblical times, to be married was a source of security and also a dignity. So after her husband died, she didn’t have so much money and debt started piling up. The custom of her culture was that if you didn’t pay your debts, the creditors had the right to take your children and have them work as slaves to pay off what you owe.


This woman is an example of a woman of commitment. She bared so many pains, yet kept the faith. 


Financial pain was one; her husband was the breadwinner; he provided for the family. Then she had the creditors on her back because of the piling debts. If you’ve had bailiffs at your door or any sort of authority charge at your front door, you’ll know the pain.


Emotional pain was another. She had lost the love of her life. Imagine losing the one you couldn’t imagine living your life without? On top of that she had her children taken away from her. I’m not a mother yet but I’m sure it’s quite painful having your children taken off you and used as slaves to pay off your debt. The thought of your children being abused and maltreated…


She bared physical pain. She had no food and was hungry. What can you do with your last bit of oil? You can’t eat it or drink it, there’s nothing to fry. I have three meals a day. The day neither liquid or solid touched my taste buds and there was nothing I could do about it…let me just say it was very upsetting. Not only is it physically painful, but mentally also.


To make it even worse, she went through probably one of the toughest. Spiritual pain. She poured out her heart to the Man of God Elisha and said, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know your servant feared the Lord.” There’s no worse feeling than knowing you’ve done all by the book yet God is nowhere to be found when you need Him the most.


The unnamed woman is a woman of commitment because she still attended to Prophet Elisha the way she did, not knowing that as she did, wherein lied the rhema she needed for her situation. (Rhema - A specific utterance/word for the now; for the present situation)


Being a woman of commitment to me means being able to keep keeping on when the challenges of life don’t make sense. Being able to say, “Lord, I have no idea why this is happening but I’m gonna speak Your word back to you concerning this situation and see myself out victoriously.” Being able to hold on tenaciously on to His word when things just don’t add up, being able to pay my tithe when that tenth is the exact amount that’ll make up for my rent, being able to pay that same tithe when the money’s tight, when you’ve been reduced beyond your own abilities to make things work, when the bank won’t give you that loan, when you’ve thought of every person you could think of that could intervene on your behalf but still can’t find anyone, when pay day is too far away, when the doctors tell you there’s nothing wrong with you but your body is telling you otherwise….


Can you still look unto Jesus then? The One who’s there from the beginning till the end? The One who is with you even in that ‘valley’?


You can. Because it’s ‘not that you are sufficient of yourself to think any thing as of yourself; but your sufficiency is of God’ (2 Corinthians 3:5) 


As a woman of commitment, always keep in mind that faith doesn’t always make sense in our darkest situations. But that’s what our ‘commitment’ is all about, keeping up the faith no matter what life throws at you.

A Woman Of Excellence

“God wants you to rise to a higher standard. He desires excellence in all you do.”


— Chrystal

God has called you like Ruth to be a woman of excellence. You may not think anyone is watching you or that what you’re doing carries much significance, but it does. It goes a long way.


Excellence doesn’t mean perfection. It means doing all you can; the best that you can with all you have at the moment. You know, one day, you’re going to stand at the judgment seat of Christ and give account of your works. God won’t only ask how much you did, but how excellent it was.


As a kingdom woman, whatever duty you have to fulfil, whether it’s to your children, whether it’s to your husband, whether it’s in the church, as a grandmother, a godmother, sometimes, it may not be the most enjoyable, yet God requires excellence in all; requires us to do it as unto Him in all that we do.


Let me tell you a little bit about Ruth and why she’s a woman of excellence. 


After Naomi (Ruth’s mother in-law) lost Elimelech (her husband) and her two sons some time after, she told Ruth and Orpah (her other daughter in-law) she was returning to her home town. She told both girls to return to their homes also. Oprah did but Ruth insisted to follow Naomi to Bethlehem. No matter what Naomi said to Ruth, Ruth would not leave.  "Don't ask me to leave.” she said,  “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your friends will be my friends and your God will be my God.” (Ruth 1:16)


When Naomi and Ruth got to Bethlehem, Ruth decided to find some work. She didn’t have the best job. She followed harvesters (it was harvest time around that time) and picked up any barley they had dropped. She’s lost her husband, then follows her mother in-law to a city far away, has no money or place she calls home and now has to work in the fields under the hot sun just to get by. 

She had a mundane job, yet did it with so much excellence. Like, I’m trying to figure out what kind of thoughts were going through her mind, to propel and cause such excellence. How did she deal with her emotions? Did she have any “down” days? Who loses their husband, then gets up in the morning and takes up the task of gleaning? (gleaning - refers to gathering leftovers after a harvest) Under the hot sun? Surely you know what it’s like to be under the hot sun with no shade or cool breeze. Now imagine doing that, day in, day out and doing it to best best of your ability. 


That job that you don’t like, the duty you must fulfil without fail and have been doing so for months, for years; “sticking it out” because it’s convenient, because it makes ends meet, because you’re too scared to leave, because if you leave your life is over, because you’re not qualified to go into any other field, because the country you dwell in says you don’t have the right to remain or have a permit to work! Maybe you’re serving a community service with the most mundane job… Can you still challenge yourself to do with it excellence? Can you still do it “As unto The Lord?” 


Being a woman of excellence has to do with God’s destiny for you.


Ruth thought that nobody was watching. She thought nobody probably noticed how well and excellently she did that job, despite what she was bearing. Her excellence resulted in her becoming the wife of Boaz, the owner of one of the fields she ended up working on. Not only did her excellence pay off, she obtained favour from Boaz also.


You may not think anyone is watching, that anyone cares or that anyone notices you. When I do all that I have to do for the Kingdom of God, sometimes it does feel like nobody notices or praises the fruits I have borne. But the Holy Spirit is always quick to tell me, “ Tell yourself, God is my reward.” When you know that God will be the one to reward your good works, you do it with excellence because now, it’s no longer unto man but unto Him. Such that even when you’re helping someone who isn't physically able to fulfil a task, because you’ve told yourself, “God is my reward.” your mind is just focused on, “I’m doing it for Him, forget pleasing man.” Whether you’re doing an essay, whether you’re helping someone, whether you’re at work, whether you’re feeding your children,  whatever good work you’re doing, tell yourself, “God is my reward.” and see the difference in the results. Literally. 


Excellent people who set their minds on God don't have to be prodded to do well. They fulfil their responsibilities willingly because they do them unto The Lord.

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