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He Doesn't Take Away...

Countless times have I heard the famous, “God gives and takes away.” The scripture never quite glued with me.

I just couldn’t ever wrap my head around my loving God blessing me, then taking away the blessing. And even if He did, He always restored in an even greater way. There was just no way the God that I serve would do anything to hurt me.

On deciding to search the scriptures, I asked the Holy Spirit to teach me. That’s when He took me to Job where the scripture comes from.

Job had it all. Big family, wealth, blessings of every kind imaginable. It bothers satan so he goes to God. God then brags about Job saying there’s none like him and how blameless and upright he is.

Satan’s not convinced and says to God, “Do you think he does all he does out of the sheer goodness of his heart? You pamper him so much and make sure nothing bad ever happens to him or his possessions; you bless everything he does. But if you took everything he has, he’d curse you right to your face.”

So God says, “We’ll see. Go ahead and do what you want with all that is his, just don’t hurt him.”

And you know the rest. If you don’t just Google it. There’s lots of good resumés online.

Back to the topic. God didn’t permit satan take everything from Job to cause Job any pain. He was proving to satan that Job would remain faithful to Him no matter what and that he was more than his possessions. At the end of the story you get to find out that God replenished everything Job had lost and restored in even greater portions.

“But he lost all his children? So God just ‘replaced’ them yeah? Like the new family could ever replace the former family?” - my question. Yes. He did. Accept it. His will, not yours.

Mad. But okay.

Your will, not mine oh Lord.

Anytime someone dies (mind you, I said die not pass away. Death is not of God) it’s, “God needed an angel so He decided to take you.” Please make no mistakes. God doesn’t give life and take it by death. He didn’t send His son to die so that you might have life and live it to the full and then take it by death. Please, God is not the author of confusion.

Sometimes you have to come to an understanding that when an individual is sick in their body, as tough as it is to read this, it is their responsibility to take themselves out of that situation through The Word of God. That’s what God has given us to fight the good fight of faith. It has the power to do anything you want it.

In other cases, an individual may have died simply because of the lack maintenance of their body. As much as we have the divine life of God in us, don't abuse your body and proclaim divine health. You’re fooling yourself and will end up in that grave. If an individual died for such cause, know that God didn’t take the person by death. The individual’s decisions, took him there.

At the end of last year, a friend of mine passed away. He was faced with a tumour and cancer. He was a man of great faith and I had so many questions. Maybe it’s the same for you and you had so many questions about this Christian who passed away.

But have you ever wondered, what conversations this person may have been having with God before going? With sicknesses like this, it can be very challenging, physically. Hence why a lot of people decide to go on and rest in the bosom of The Father; because the pain is so much and not worth going through for them after fighting over a long period of time. But did God take them away? Or did the sickness kill them? No. Some make the conscious decision to lay down their lives, others don’t have The Word of God to bring themselves out of the situation.

I mean when I’ve had the flu in the passed I’ve felt so useless. Imagine what someone with a cancer is going through? You never know what last words some are having with God before they God. Some make an agreement with God and literally say, “I’m tired Lord, and I’m coming home.”

Moses was busy climbing mountains at WHAT age. God had to tell him to lay down his life and come home, his time on earth was up. Moses was bargaining with God and felt he had more to do. God had to beg the guy! Like you’re done, thank you, now come home!

Enoch was translated. The scriptures say he couldn’t be found (Hebrews 11:5) because God had taken him.

Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind to heaven. By a chariot and horses of fire.

My point is this. God doesn’t take away what He’s blessed you with. Even if you abused of the blessing. He doesn't take away with the intention of causng you any kind of hurt. He is kind, and He cares about every detail of your life. The bible says that the gift of God maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. (Proverbs 10:22)


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