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There's Rice At Home

I had to tell myself in numerous occasions that there was rice at home. I can’t be the only one to have gone through the dilemma. The dilemma of my inner African mum mentality kicking in, thinking to myself "The money I spend here, I could spend half in Tesco, cook what they're going to cook for me here and it tasting way better," and not eating out because there was actually a 5kg bag of rice at home. The dilemma of not getting that £400 wig done because the rice at home was getting braids done for £50 instead. The dilemma of not paying £35 for a full set of gel and shellac nails because the rice at home was to actually let them grow, shape them and paint them yourself...not everyone’s case though is it, some of those bones don’t grow for certain individuals anymore. The dilemma of making an unnecessary change in like Ethiopia, then Kenya to get to Johannesburg because that was the rice at home over a direct flight. And then the dilemma that really, I didn’t need to upgrade to a new iPhone that would break within the next 12 months of a 24 month contract and that the rice at home was to upgrade on a sim contract cos my phone’s still great (contradicting and ironic isn't), I’m an adult with priorities and that I won’t die keeping the same phone. There will always be rice at home in your life.

Whether it's 5kg or a cup. Because between me and you, we all know one cup can be satisfactory.

*inserts rice emoji*

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