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5 Things NOT To Say To A Single Sista

1. “When are we eating your rice?” – for my non-African friends, “When are we seeing a ring on that finger?

”This has got to be the most JARRING thing EVER! This goes to those who aren’t genuinely asking. I don’t wanna speak my mind much on this. But I’ll say this: it’ll happen when it will happen, when God, future hubby and I want it to happen.

2. ‘Don’t worry you’ve got plenty of time.’

Although this is plain truth and we shouldn’t allow society rush us into their timelines, a sister is still dealing with constant thoughts of time running out and her own form of clock that is ticking. We all have own our own clocks; a clock with strict timelines at quarter past, half past, quarter to, FIVE TO and o’clock! And within this clock, before o’clock reaches, everything has to be achieved within each quarter of the hour. DON’T tell me I’ve got plenty of time, you’re reminding me of my ticking clock. I want to hear, “God makes all things beautiful in His time.” I want to hear “A day before The Lord is a thousand years, and thousand years like a day.”

3. “I promise you you’ll like him.”

As much as a sister appreciates match-making, please, just let nature take its cause. Nobody wants to be blamed when the match-making doesn’t work out.

4. “Don’t be too picky, you won’t find anyone that way.”

First of all, be picky if you WANT or don’t be picky. Secondly, it’s up to a sister if she wants to have all her boxes ticked or choose to be with a complete douche bag that breaks her heart over and over again.

5. “Let’s go out next week, my boyfriend’s out of town.”

I am NOT your side dish darling! Couples love saying this to singles. You don’t know it gets right under our skin when you finally make us a priority after your number 1 person leaves town. Oh…and stop sugar-coating this move with ‘Ladies’ Night’ too.

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