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Low Key Faith

Whether you’re a Christian or not, you have low key faith. You activate faith without even knowing.

I’m a big believer of having what you say. What you say, is what you will get. “Well I said this 20 years ago and I’m fine.” It is only a matter of time.

I’ve always wondered, apart from being a Christian and being divinely protected by God and being promised that no evil shall come nigh my dwelling, how is it that one not in Christ can never been involved in any accident, any life threatening health problems and never been harmed till this day?

Like when you board a plane, what are the guarantees of you arriving safely at your destination? What gives you the assurance that the pilot knows how to fly a plane? Or isn’t under the influence of alcohol? Because he/she’s gone through security? Or haven’t you heard of politics and bribery? (do pardon me, I’ve gone through El Chapo and Escobar on Netflix. Political power works dangerously.) But what guarantees you? Certification?

Information can be incorrect. And I came to a conclusion that when you usher words, you low key activate your faith, causing forces of the air to bring to pass the words you just pronounced.

Believe it or not, there are forces in the air. Forces that are not for you and make it their priority that you don’t see light of day again or are dragged down with them in eternal inferno.

The Bible teaches that words, especially the ones you speak are important. Words control the conduct of your life. Examine your life and you’ll see that it’s true.

Proverbs 13:3

"Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself."

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