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24/25 Gang

Turning 24 and 25 years old haven’t been ages I’ve looked forward to. I’m a spirit being that lives inside this human flesh. And sometimes with all its senses and feelings, I easily forget who God has made me, overthink and get overwhelmed.

I tell my friends that turn 25, “Happy half way to 50!!” But if you actually deep it, the thought of being half way, nearly half way or less than half way to 50 can be quite daunting when you feel you still have so much more to achieve before then. Hence why I’ve never looked forward to being 24 or 25.

But you can get excited about turning 24 & 25. So brace up, I’m gonna tell you how.


A lot of the things we do, without even thinking sometimes is because of society. Is because of social media. Is because we seek acceptance from both these communities. Sounds so dumb when you hear it like this. But when thought about properly is actually and sadly the truth. One of the things I feared so much about turning 24 & 25 was the fact that I hadn’t achieved all my goals and dreams yet. The pressures of by this age I’m gonna achieve this and that had drowned me. Thank God for my mum. I got myself into such a dark, damp and filthy hole. It was so unhealthy. I almost made myself sick. But she came into the ditch, didn’t mind getting herself dirty and pulled me right out. She reassured me and counted my blessings for me: my salvation, education, my apartment, the progress made in my career, the fact that I don’t suffer. Then told me (in not so many words) to get a grip, because life isn’t that serious.


This is not only for ladies. You too fellas. We’ve all been guilty of this at one point. I’ve learnt from experience not to be negatively moved or pressured or to made felt anxious by other people’s progress in the name of an Instagram post. Best believe people front for the gram and it’s a big game for some. Can’t be anxious for someone who’s frontin’. That’s too expensive. Measure your own progress, be truthful and full of integrity. You just never know what that person had to do to get to where they are right now to compare yourself to them. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They both shine when it’s their time.


One of the things I’ve chosen to do and to be. No matter what. I literally prayed that God would help me through His Holy Spirit, to maintain my happiness. For a long time I’ve lived to please others and it hasn’t brought me that far in terms of my happiness. Do what makes you happy and what doesn’t cause you harm, cause your life or others harm.


I can’t over emphasise this. Just do it. Anytime you feel pressured or worried, count them blessings on your fingers. Your mid life crisis will end immediately. You might be reading this and think, “Well I haven’t really got any blessings to count.” You’re reading this or someone’s reading it to you, that means that you're alive! So there’s a blessing for you to count.

I won’t lie, I wrote this for myself. I’m still working on myself so I needed something to encourage myself with. Just like I write a lot of my blog entries for myself. My secret is that I write this stuff to keep me on track too. I’d can’t preach what I don’t live by. Such that if I published a post and found myself being a hypocrite for writing it, I’d either take it down because it’s not the truth or write another post to encourage myself again.

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