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Igniting The Passion

Passion is what takes an athlete from a nobody to number one.

Once a man is convinced, there's no stopping him.

Passion is what makes you get up everyday; the zeal and the enthusiasm to make a change, to make some sort of impact, the urge to go into a place (a geographical, physical, spiritual place) and not return to see it at the same state, level or way it was.

Without passion, life becomes boring, only then does it become a routine. If you don't put passion and work into your vision, how do you expect it to come into realisation? - It's just a question.

You can't completely succeed at at something you're not passionate about. Do you think you can? I'd like to hear your view. I used to have jobs I'd lose because I wasn't passionate about them. Never woke up for em', sometimes didn't set an alarm for em', wasn't afraid to lose em', sometimes turned up late for em' and sometimes didn't care enough about the money. Passion levels? Zero. Zilch.

I made up my mind to stop doing things I didn't enjoy. Because I'd fail at them; not being passionate enough about them therefore not putting in the work.

Now, let's bring it home with Colossians 3:23

Don't be half-hearted with anything you do. Give it all it's got to take. Put some enthusiasm in, put some umph! into it.

Passion is what makes you put your money in the gospel. "Not necessarily. What if I'm not passionate about the gospel though?" Then you've not understood it and comprehended it fully.

...aaaaaaand! I'm done here. Ta da!

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