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So How's The New Job: Continued...

"How's the new job?"

It's challenging. In a good way and in ways I didn't expect too. I'm a Multichannel Instore Content Executive; managing instore devices in the UK & The Republic of Ireland.

Before getting this job, I told God I wanted something more challenging; a job that wouldn't allow two days in the office be the same. Not knowing what I was asking for, God really went ahead and answered that prayer alright. Within the first three weeks of my employment I was faced with problem solving queries I've never faced in my life, terms, terminology and acronyms I never thought could be formed, tasks that were way beyond my experience and knowledge and to top it off, I was faced with putting forward an innovative proposal within one week!

I had to pose God a few questions. I mean, how you gonna answer my prayer and leave me feeling like I'm in the deep end of a pool where I'm feeling way overwhelmed!? God said to me, "I don't allow anything face you that you can't handle. And I don't give you anything that you can't handle. You're up to the task. You wanted something challenging? Here's the opportunity, now take it on." So I squared up my shoulders and said okay.

I have to liaise with a lot of senior people in the company. I'm always on the phone, if not soaring through threads of emails. We're talking people who have been in the company for decades. Then here comes newbie, still having to prove my adolescence because my face nor my voice help justify my it.

My manager sat me down and told me, "I'm going to need you to be the authority in this role and take full ownership." And went on to explain the relevance and importance of the role. One thing I remember very well and that stuck with me, was that she said I have to watch what I say at all times, mind my comportment and stay positive at all times. I wondered why, just why she'd say that. It all made sense in the following weeks.

Being new, I've had to build and still am in the process of building relationships with these seniors. Some have shouted at me down the phone, some have expressed themselves before me in manners I didn't appreciate and some haven't cooperated with me at all. Amazingly, I took nothing to heart (I know myself). I'm so surprised at myself. Positivity took me a long way and it worked for me. I just told myself that if I'm gonna be the owner of my own company and expect to expand worldwide one day, I'm gonna have to suck it up and take it as training. Not every acquaintance is going to be charming.

Don't get it twisted, I disallow disrespect and disregard. I don't tolerate it and don't hesitate to express myself should I find myself in such a situation. But what I'm saying here is that I decide to take the good out of the situation; then grow and learn from it. Becoming better and not bitter.

So how's the new job? It's challenging. In the way that I desire it to be (in the long run). There are some things I don't agree with yeah. But I remind myself that I go to work for that vision that I have. Not to make friends, not to get a promotion, not to run the company, (but hey, I mean these things could happen because the way my God and my grace is set up...) not to please anybody but because of this one picture painted before me that I'm running with.

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