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So How's The New Job: The Introduction...

Am I the only one who can’t really answer the, “So where do you see yourself within the business in the next 5 years” interview question?

I’ve always known that in the near future, I would own my own business. Working for a company over the course of 5 years wasn’t and still isn’t in my agenda. It doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen, but it’s not what I desire.

My reasons for working in the headquarters of well known companies like JD Sports and PrettyLittleThing were for a few reasons:

- Gotta pay em’ bills!!!

- The perks are awesome!

But on a serious note. I have one thing in mind; I wanted to start my own business, so I said to myself I needed to work within the headquarters of well established companies to get to know how everything works behind the scenes. From the Human Resources department to the warehouse, customers services, how the buying, the finance, the property and the marketing departments worked hand in hand to make it all go round and work successfully.

So I’m working and paying the bills, but I’m also a sponge; soaking it all up; that knowledge, my eyes observing from left to right as business operates.

I started working at JD Sports Fashion in 2015 in the customer service department. I never knew I’d gain so much business knowledge in there. Customers run your business and are everything to your business. Don’t play with those people y’all!

I loved my job, but I wasn’t in my domain. And that bothered me. The following year, I made up my mind to make 40 hours a week worth my waking up for and started to apply for jobs within JD Sports in my field or something I could grow a passion for. After 3 failed job applications due to no experience, I gave up and continued my job because it wasn’t that bad and so settled for it.

I gathered the inspiration and courage again to start job hunting and found an opening at PrettyLittleThing. They contacted me like a week after I submitted my application but said I wasn’t experienced enough for the role and would like to consider me for a content role they thought I’d fit better. In my mind I’m thinking, “Content? What do the responsibilities even consist of?” I said, “Errrr…okay *shrugs*” and went for an interview the following week.

I started working at PrettyLittleThing in 2017 and did the job for 7 months. I loved this job. But around the 6th month, I just kept waking up with, “I need more of a challenge. I need something that will make use of my creative ability; something that would work my brain and challenge it, an environment where I’d need to problem solve”. Cut to the chase, I then landed an executive role back at JD Sports. Didn’t think twice about it and grabbed it with both hands.

“So how’s the new job?” a question I’ve been asked for a consistent 2 months now. I don’t really do suspense blog entries, but I’ve got to stop here for now and leave the answer to that question in the next blog entry.

I don’t do long blog entries unless really necessary. But don’t worry, I won’t be long.

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