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3 Types Of Friends

Three Type Of Friends You Need In Your Life

1.You Need a Paul.

A Paul is someone who is a little bit ahead of you in the faith. That person who is a little bit more knowledgeable than you in the Word of God. The person you call when the King James Version is getting a little bit too Shakespeare. A Paul tends to be someone a couple years older than you; if not so much older than you definitely comes across as someone more senior than you. Your Paul is someone who can be yourself around and he looks out for you all the time, corrects you in love and points you back to the scriptures. Your Paul sometimes spares the rod and also keeps you on track; on the right path.

2. You Need a Barnabas.

Barnabas was that faithful friend to Saul when Saul was at his lowest point, oh so lonely. Barnabas is the one named ‘The Son of Consolation’; ‘having land, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.’ (Acts 4:37) Barnabas was one who sought to help and assist others; one who put The Kingdom first always. Paul commended Barnabas for being able to support himself financially rather than depend on the churches. Barnabas was that guy who vouched for Paul after his conversion when the Jerusalem church wasn’t too keen on a former persecutor joining their ranks. You need a Barnabas in your circle. That influence that influences your environment. That friend who’s there’s for you with a genuine heart.

3. You Need a Timothy.

Your Timothy is that person a little bit younger than you are. That friend you’re investing in; that friend you’re advising. You’re their Paul by being just a few steps ahead of them in life and they’re your Timothy, the one you’re always ensuring stays on the right path. For some, your Timothy could be your immediate younger siblings, for others your Bible study group members, for some others, it could be those young ones you’ve adopted as your little sisters or brothers.

Each of these friends help form us in one way or another. Being Paul, you’re always having to lead by example so you constantly ensure you keep your person in check. When you’re Barnabas, you must have gone through a lot of trials that would have challenged your personality, but day after day you continue to choose to walk in the love of Christ no matter what. When you’re Timothy, you train yourself to constantly have a teachable spirit and as the young person who gets advice from a lot of elders, you train yourself to discern what advice given to you is for your benefit and what isn’t.

Sometimes I have to remind myself who I allow inspire my thoughts, my decisions and my way of life. Sometimes you have to ‘filter’ some of the friends you have because they're not helpers of your destiny. Neither do they encourage the ministry God has placed in your hands.

I always used to ask myself, ‘How do I know if I should let this person inspire me? How do I know if I should take their advice or not?”

The Bible says to be ‘Followers of them who through and patience inherit the promises.’ - Hebrews 6:12

Let the ones who through faith inherit the promises inspire you. Take their advice, listen to their counsel. Be imitators of them.

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