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School Or Nah?

I’ve been coming across tweets like,

“I’ve got a degree in such and such and major in such and such. Please retweet, my employer could be on your timeline.”

And I just think to myself, ‘But employers (to some extent) really aren’t interested in your certificate but in what you can offer them.”

I said to some extent, like excluding professions within the health industry for example. Go to Medical School people! You can’t commonly be responsible for human lives without adequate training.

Turning the page over, I thought to myself one day, “Did I really need to go to university? Did I really need to pay £9,000 for 3 years? Why did I go? It’s never given me a job!”

All the jobs I’ve had have never been because of the certificate I hold, but rather the skills I’ve developed. This is to say that you can enrol on a course and receive certification of complete but have nothing to offer a company.

So do you need school? I’d say it’s beneficial but it’s not a must. Did I need school? Oh yes I did! I probably didn’t need to enrol onto a degree programme for what I majored in however. I could have saved a lot less. But I didn’t go to University so I could get a job in the future. I needed University to get my head straight with deadlines, punctuality, commitments, the skills of working with others, communication skills, time management, independence, managing finances and the list goes on. University gave me the platform to perfect myself in that manner. It was the right environment and the perfect package to accommodate the needs that I had.

University serves a lot of purposes for different people.

I know people who today are doing very well for themselves without having gone to university. People who are even more successful than the ones who have gone to university and have bagged the MScs and PhDs.

Is this post promoting not to further your studies? Absolutely not, but rather says that you can be anything you want to be without a certificate.

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