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5 Lessons Learnt

5 Things I Learnt From Abraham

1. The greater the sacrifice the greater the reward.

Say I’m a female version of Abraham. Say Abbie. And say I’d been waiting on The Lord for the fruit of the womb and finally after centuries I finally give birth to my first born. God knowing what I’ve been through, miscarriage after miscarriage then tells me to offer my son as a sacrifice? I think my response would be, “Lord, anything else but this.” It’s another level of faith in God what Abraham was willing to do before God stopped him and he deserves without a doubt to have his name written among “them who through faith and patience inherited the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12)

2. Sacrifice doesn’t always come with answers.

Sometimes God is asking you offer that thing very dear to your heart and you don’t know why. But you have a confidence that God has your best interest at heart and only wants to promote you and wants the best for you. Abraham didn’t know at first why God asked him to offer Him such a sacrifice. But He trusted that God never had any intensions of hurting him.

3. Godly obedience should be swift.

Abraham didn’t ask God why. Abraham didn’t dispute God’s instruction as contradicting as it seemed. I was just minding my business at home one day. God then said, “Go and buy a 5L bottle of water.” It was weeeeeeeiird man! But I got up and went to the supermarket because it was that weird that I trusted Him to know why it would benefit me. I heard God’s voice so clearly. Didn’t know what I was going to do with it so I stored it under the sink and left it there waiting on God concerning the bottle of water. Little did I know that the following week I woke up to the water supply not working in the whole block.

Me: God?! Is THAT why you told me to get the water? Ohhhhh! Well thaaaaaanks!

Godly obedience should be swift. It may not make sense at first but know that listening to God’s voice always pays off.

4. Trusting God without borders.

What I observe with Abraham was that he recognised that he no longer lived unto himself but was a true servant of God. He trusted God with his life more than anyone else. Should God have told him to lay down his own life, he wouldn’t have disputed it. He knew who his creator was and where he was going after this life. His mentality was completely “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

5. What God requires, He provides.

I’ve come to understand that God is consistently training me, forming me, moulding me for His pleasure, His purpose, His glory. This may come by sacrifice, by trials and by trusting.

There’s nothing God will ask of you without providing or without preparing something even better over what you’ve sacrificed. Using the examples in the Bible, God never sent any of His servants without providing.

Sometimes it’s hard to give up what God asks of me. But I’m consistently reminded by The Holy Spirit that God can never give me less than what I give to Him. My mentality is just that He can’t allow me to suffer or to be forsaken. I didn’t call myself into fellowship with Him and that it’s not my responsibility to bless myself. It’s always from glory to glory. It’s always give and it shall be given unto you. It’s always what you sow is what you will reap. You can’t be disadvantaged giving to God.

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