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Friends With Benefits: My Experience

Before moving away to Coventry for university, a family friend said to me, "There'll be nobody out there to tell you what to do. It'll just be you, and you alone. You will get to know the real you out there."

The university experience is a big world. You make it what you want. I certainly did that. Not in the best way I wished, I've certainly had my share of wild experiences; believe you me, some that will never surface to light.

We had a casual friendship. Bumped into him a few times and had very minimal conversation. I knew him before moving to Coventry. We were distant friends I'd say. We were friends for a few years before anything happened and even when it did, I never saw it coming.

I tell people I don't miss university one bit. My experience wasn't fun. If it wasn't not understanding some of my assignments, it was the outstanding bills coming through, if it wasn't having being broke it was trying to keep the faith in the midst of the storm. The list is endless.

So there he was. He fitted perfectly in this void that I felt. Anytime he came to see me at my accommodation he shut out all the noise and nothing else mattered. We weren't in a relationship though, he just filled a void. And he was good at it. He had a way of convincing me he was all I needed.

On good days and on days I was having fun? Nah didn't need him. He was just filling a void after all.

We saw each other more and more often. It was almost routine but there were no emotions attached per say, he just made me feel good for a moment and made the rainy days go away until they came back again.

By this time he'd caught feelings and wanted more than a friendship. I just needed the void to be filled? Nothing more? You come through for me when I need you kinda thing?

But it wasn't long until I came to light.

Life is a metabiological existence until you receive The Holy Spirit. I had known The Holy Spirit for years, but our relationship was on and off. I called on Him when days were grey. On good days, there was no need for fellowship cos' I was sweet.

Life is a struggle without The Holy Spirit. You can be a nice person, good to everybody, do your work well, they may love you at work and in your neighbourhood, you're the ideal community woman. But if you don't have The Holy haven't started living.

In life, there are people who you must be in contact with for your success because you don't have enough wisdom to locate them yourself. The Holy Spirit does that for you. He's your competitive advantage.

Sometimes you make the wrong contacts and you get into trouble. But The Holy Spirit networks you with the right people, causes the right circumstances and at the right time.

He knows what He formed you for. He's more than an influence. Relate with Him as a person. He's a friend with real good benefits.

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