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Friends With Desolation Part 2

So I've been avoiding this post, but I've got to do it. Even if it were for one person out there.

I don't really like talking about feelings or how anything makes me feel. Especially if it's not a great feeling.

As you can tell from last week's post, early this year I experienced the 'D-Word phase'. It makes me cringe that much, I don't even wanna say it.

This is how it felt:

Lost. Nothing to live for. No motivation to wake up. No motivation to do anything. Constantly sad. Constant self pity party. Nothing could make me feel any more down. Steep, dark place.

It went on for about 2 months. Didn't tell a soul. Oh no, no one knew. I don't like talking about feelings. It's so cringy.

I laid on my bed one night, hanging on to my last string of hope that was quickly tearing away. Until a friend from the other side of the globe sent me this very message on Whatsapp. Told me he didn't know why, but God told him to send me this:

Face down on the floor in a pool of my own tears, I knew it wasn't my time to go and that God loved me too much and wasn't gonna give up on me so easily.

The Whatsapp message and its timing wasn't coincidental. It was God's orchestration.

Whatever valley you're walking through, fear not, hang in there. God always comes through. He may not be early but He's always on time.

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