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Friends With Desolation

Surrounded by people, but yet felt so alone.

Her tears built as self consolation.

She knew this could be the end.

She knew she could make the pain disappear if she wanted to.

She knew she could make the worries disappear if she wanted to.

She knew she could end it all…

if she wanted to…

Consumed in her own bubble, the world is still going on.

Consumed in her own bubble, walking as a dead living soul.

Consumed in her own bubble, the world will continue after she is gone.

She’s struggling to say goodbye.

She knows there will be no coming back.

A blinding rush of thoughts but no words to elucidate them.

She only wishes for someone pull her out…but no one is coming.

In the depth of darkness, she tilts her head back,

Life being a tough pill, she swallowed.

Awaiting her vision to grapple with blackness..

A desolate silence…

She, is I.

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