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The Healed

The only difference in my routine was that I was walking to work this time. The pain in my ankles only got worse. By this time, I’d noticed a change of colour in both my feet. Not only had they changed colour, but they looked like a pregnant woman’s swollen feet.

Worry knocking at the door, anxiety creeping in through the back, fear sliding in from under the locked door, I had no idea what was happening to my body.

One day at a time, I gave the pain a comfortable habitat. Feet now forming dark patches and pain now gradually rising to my legs…it was time to address whatever this was.

Anyone that knows me very well knows I don't like hospitals, going to GPs or doctors. The last time I had symptoms, the doctor booked me in to go under the knife within the next week. He explained the thing in my body was gradually spreading and needed to be removed before it got worse.

Don’t freak out, it wasn’t life threatening. But the way the doctor explained the issue made it sound like I was slowly dying. It shook, rocked and destabilised my faith. Information. It changes everything. What information of The Word of God is in your spirit to draw out in the evil day?

I woke up Sunday morning, grabbed a firm hold of my knee caps and told God, “This ends today.” And went for church service. During an altar call, the pastor was ministering and instructed to receive the healing you needed for your body. Next thing you know, I was overwhelmed by the power of God, face facing the carpet.

I was given the opportunity to testify before the brethren. The Pastor then sealed the miracle and gently placed his foot on my feet; one by one. By this time, the power of God surged through my entire being. I could feel God renewing everything. When God heals or restores an area of your life, He perfects everything else too. He does exceedingly and abundantly what you ask of Him.

What are you asking God to do for you? Have you made up your mind yet about it like I did? Then be rest assured. God will honour you like He honoured me. Why?

Because He’s the God, “That confirmeth the word of His servant and brings to pass the announcements of his messengers.” Isaiah 44:26

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