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The GOOD. The BAD. The UGLY.

Oh I hated God. And I done did told Him to His face. So full of anger towards God, I had no reservation and told Him how it was.

1999. Machelen. Belgium.

I’m on the ground level of the house. There’s this body length mirror we had in the house. I looked in it and questioned God’s existence. So much rage. Life was hard (I’m under the age of 10 years old*rollin eye emoji*)

I hated going to church. I hated waking up on those Sunday mornings. I never participated in praise and worship. Never socialised with anybody. Took my bible, notepad and pen but ain’t ever wrote nothin’. I’d fall asleep during the whole sermon. Had to kill time somehow. You name it.

Still in this mirror.

“God? Let me talk to you for a minute.”

“I didn’t mind you creating the world, but why did you have to complicate everything with the whole Christianity thing?”

“Why didn’t you just let us be?”

“Why did you create the world in the first place?”

“Why did I have to be born?”

“If you exist, why am I going through such a tough time?”

I grew up in a Christian home but never knew I actually had to confess the Lordship of Jesus over my life.

Not until my little sister got an invitation to ‘It’s My Birthday’, now known as ‘Generation Next’ in Believers’ LoveWorld.

And of course, it was ME that had to take her wasn’t it. I huffed and puffed all the way there. I got there, and it was a different story altogether. All I saw, was a bunch of youths; some dancing, some singing, some rapping. Rehearsing for the event.

I’d never seen anything like this before. Why weren’t they ashamed of their Christianity in front of other people like I was? So bold and confident. So much passion for Jesus. Putting in so much time and effort into these performances. Honestly, I was in awe. Their jokes were Jesus jokes, the things trending in school were irrelevant to them, their confidence was in Jesus. They had a Kingdom language.

Today, I love Jesus so much I could cry. Even though I kept going back to Believers’ LoveWorld just for the good vibes and the people, God changed my story and revealed to me my purpose. He needed to capture me first *wink*

Everybody’s salvation story is different. Sometimes it’s not the sermon that attracts somebody, sometimes it’s the decoration, for some it’s the food after the service, for others, it’s that brother or sister they find attractive. But I guess what I’m trying to say is, God will use anything to reconcile that soul onto Himself.

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