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Complete In Him.

I’m not about to preach the scripture to you. This is completely different.

Coming from a place of disappointment, I closed my eyes one day and asked myself, “Imagine, what it would be like to be totally complete in Christ? And to just totally lean on Him, Him being my shoulder to cry on.”

Being at a level where no one could hurt my feelings anymore. Having complete confidence and completeness in Christ. It wouldn’t matter if you let me down…or even stabbed me in the back. Because now, my hope was always in Him. Your downfall is irrelevant because I’m complete in Christ now.

Can you see the picture I'm trying to paint?

This isn’t hate mail towards you. But ‘fedupness’ of being let down and hurt. I sat and thought, “I know human love will always be fickle and that they’d always disappoint. But can there be some way their down falls don’t affect me in any way possible?”

Mr Standby answered me and said, “Your completeness has to be in Him and no one else. If you can master this, you’ll be indestructible. It’s your weapon.”

So at the start of the year, I decided to give this a go. How have I gotten on so far? Not. Good. At all. It is very difficult. Especially when you have every reason under the sun to let the circumstances affect you.


I have made a big improvement, so I’m proud of myself too.

As I made the decision to do this, the enemy has been testing and trying like never before. Especially with close friends and loved ones. But thank God I was able to recognise that I was being tested.

Listen. If you decide to do this, don’t expect it to be a walk in the park. I started off on an emotional rollercoaster (I shall spare you the details).

Your love walk will be put to the test. The people you are close to will challenge your decision without even knowing, along the way, you may just lose the will to live, you’ll ask yourself who sent you?!?, and give yourself a basic 20Q on the whole decision.

But hang on in there, good news is, it gets easier.

You don’t need to let offence affect you, they didn’t make you, they’re not your creator. The negative things they say about you don’t need to affect your emotions, in fact they’re even irrelevant now. Because you're complete in Christ. Because what He says is the only thing you should validate and measure yourself by. You’re complete in Christ. Let them throw all the shade, as long as you’ve come correct and done your part, that’s all that there is to it.

I’m making gradual progress everyday. There’re days I let another one’s actions or the past affect me, but then I have to give myself a “Hey, it’s alright because you’re completeness is in Him now,” kinda wake up call.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. The work that you do for the Lord isn't wasted. Your labor is not in vain.

God is faithful enough to reward every good work, every good deed, every seed sewn on fertile ground.

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