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I'm Back! And With A Story To Tell...

All I had was a £1,000. I said, “Lord, you know what I need in a new place. Make it happen for me.’

When I signed the contract to for my new apartment, I felt what everyone feels; uber excited. It’s not my first time living alone, but it’s the first time for a proper home of my own; not a studio with inclusive bills, not a house share but a proper apartment with separate rooms; proper bills…. the real deal.

As much as I dislike paying bills, there’s this satisfaction, this contentment that comes whenever a bill is paid; not being in arrears; not receiving red-lettered post in the mail, not receiving 0845 phone calls.

But there’s this satisfaction because you remember the hard work you put in that’s paid off, the faithfulness of God for seeing you through yet again.

So why am I writing this?

Everyone has this next big step to take in life. I’m encouraging you to do that by telling you my own story.

A lot of people are surprised that I live by myself and take care of my own maintenance. I’ve had the following responses:

“Why don’t you stay with mum and save?”

“So you like that bills bills life yeah?”

“You’re gonna get broke if you continue like this!” (continue like what please?!)

“Why don’t you just get something that’s cheaper?”

“I think you should get something a bit more affordable”

“Why don’t you go for houseshare?”

“You know it’s better to move out when you are married, that way it’s easier.” (This is just beyond me. just no comment)

“How is it going so far? Are you affording it?”

“You’re too young!”

“Why are you putting yourself through this?” (Sorry?)

“Wow! Big girl yeah!”

Trust me when I say the list goes on, it actually goes on. I’ve had it all.

I didn’t get my own place because it was convenient. I didn’t get my own place because I’m a lover of bills. Neither did I get my own place because it was easier.

I got my own place because I wanted to come completely out of my comfort zone. If I stayed at my mother’s till this day, I know myself, I’d be too comfortable. I figured that if I put myself in a place where I was so uncomfortable, I would make the conscious effort to go out there and go for what I wanted. Such that if I never had money, I would go out there and make the conscious effort to work harder to increase my income.

But If I’m at my mother’s, what’s the point of working harder for money when food’s on the table everyday, no utility bills to pay and with a roof over my head? When I say that I know myself, I’ll say that I know myself. I would not bother. I hated the version of me I saw; that I pictured. Still being at my mum’s at my age (but you’re still so young you’ll say); it didn’t look good at all. It wasn’t a productive version of me; it was rather a very stagnant and very unstable version of me.

I got to a point where I started doubting my decision of being completely independent. When I started adjusting to it, it was very challenging; still is now, and is not for the faint-hearted. But God is faithful. I began to think, “none of my friends or people my age fully do this by themselves Tish. They either partly have financial support from the government, a house mate or partner to share the bills. Maybe you should reconsider.”

I was very quick to snap out of that state of mind. I thought to myself, “why should I give up just because nobody can do it? How about I be the first person to show everyone that you can?”

I took the new place unfurnished.


I wanted to build up my faith and to solely trust in God to get everything I needed. I wanted to build up my faith to the point where I completely trusted Him with my life.

It’s hard. And half the time I’m wondering who sent me. But it gets easier. One day at a time. When challenges I rise, I count my blessings. It makes everything better. Try it some time.

You can put yourself in that uncomfortable place. That place that’s out of your comfort zone. Dare to trust God and see how He comes through for you.

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