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There’s this man that took it upon himself to make the world a better place. There was nothing attractive about Him, nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at Him and people turned away. We looked down on Him, thought He was scum.

But the fact is, it was our pains He carried; our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought He brought it on himself, you know, that God was punishing Him for His own failures.

But it was our sins that did that to Him, that ripped and tore and crushed Him; our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole.

He was beaten, He was tortured, but He didn’t say a word. He took it all in silence.

Can you offer yourself a sacrifice for the wrongdoing of one friend?

He died without a thought for His own welfare, beaten bloody for your sins. They buried Him with the wicked. Even though He’d never hurt a soul or said one word that wasn’t true.

He looked death in the face and didn’t flinch, because He embraced the company of the lowest. He took on His own shoulders the sin of the many, He took up the cause of all the black sheep.

Quickly. A story about a man called Benny Hinn. A very well known minister of the Gospel. Well known for his miracle crusades.

He fell quite ill during a point of his life and was rushed to the hospital. He then had a very vivid dream where he found himself in a long queue at the gate of Heaven. In front of the gate was Jesus. Jesus would either nod His head for approval into Heaven or move His head side to side if He denied the person entry. There was this pianist (Who Pastor Benny happen to know well) who played glorious melodies if one was accepted into Heaven, the gate would open immediately. If the person was denied, the pianist would play sounds of damnation and the person was quickly snatched away by demons. No redemption.

He said out of all the people stood in the queue, only 20% made it in and 80% were denied entry. Many of them being Christians.

It eventually came to his turn. Trembling, not knowing whether he’d be accepted or denied entry. Jesus looked at Pastor Benny in so much disappointment. Fear had shaken him up now waiting for Jesus’ final decision. As Jesus was about making His decision, Pastor Benny woke up. God whispers to Him, ‘Don’t blow up this time, this is your second chance.’ There’s more to the story, just Google it.

Now that you have Salvation, does your neighbour have Salvation too? After this life, do you know where you’re going? If you do, how many people are going with you? On that day, you won’t be given the opportunity to change your mind.

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