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Meditations Of My Heart

I used to live in a country where you literally saw a palm tree everywhere you stepped foot. There’s not a day you look out the window and you couldn’t spot one. It wasn’t a tropical island I lived on. Nah.

I say this because I never knew how significant the palm tree was to me and how much I can relate to its characteristics as a person; especially in the year God has destined for me to flourish in all areas of my life.

These are the ‘Meditations of My Heart’…

You see a palm tree from a distance. It’s so tall. A palm tree can grow further than one hundred feet. You can’t miss it. You just keep going higher and higher as a person. You'll be recognised, your success being inevitable. You’re too far high to be contaminated by any worldly affection now.

Every part of the palm tree is useful. It’s been used make baskets before. It’s known for its cooling effect with the shade from the sun. In some parts of the world, the leaves are used for sweeping, also for fabricating roofs. You ‘tap’ the tree by making an incision and collecting the sap that flows out of the fruit, giving you a sweet juice to drink. The palm tree is medicinal. When people connect themselves to you, you become a source of life to them. Every part of you is useful. There’s nothing about you that is insignificant.

The palm tree is softest at heart. Other trees are hardest at heart. This just betokens the attitude of the righteous man. I’m beginning to see why God used the palm tree express the character of the righteous.

Rooted in a land whether fertile or not, it sucks the moisture of the earth. The roots go so deep even in the driest places to find water. Even in the hot sand, the palm tree survives. All the nourishment it derives from the earth is used for its upward building, not securing any earthly hold. The weather conditions being no factor of its growth. It doesn’t matter how many tree killing vines grow around the palm tree, if weeds were to grow around it, whether you spray any plant-killing substance on it, it finds and roots a way around those things and continues to grow heavenward; unfettered.

Circumstances and challenges having no effect on your growth. Though you live in this world, you’re not of it, your substance doesn’t come from earthly things. You’re that palm tree!

The cartoons that we used to watch. The ones that would display that one palm tree with a pond of water in that dry and empty dessert. The palm tree is there to give the one wandering in illusion, hope. Hope that once it gets to the palm tree, there’s a refreshing; there’s a source of life. You’re that source of hope to everyone you meet. The lost wandering the earth find hope and restoration when they meet you.

The dust of the desert does not accumulate on the palm tree. Just as the righteous man is free from earthly influences, earthly contaminations. The palm tree survives, it remains, it’s alive unto God, notwithstanding. The righteous man continues to live right, on their heavenward course, not considering the ‘light afflictions’ (2 Corinthians 4:17).

‘The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree.’ (Pslam 92.12)

And finally..

The palm tree doesn’t have recognition of the season. The weather doesn’t count, the economy doesn’t count, the country doesn’t count, so mightily grew The Word of God and prevailed (Acts 19:20). Its leaves are perennially green

(Perennial ~ lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring)

I’m just gonna be that palm tree if you ask me.

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