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Why Faith Doesn't Work

When you come to Christ, you don't come to him to try him. It's a bridge you cross and don't go back on. Christ is a place. We come in and we don't come out. You don't board a plane and say "I've changed my mind." Jesus isn't a lift you going into, go up to the highest level, then go back to the ground floor. Jesus isn't a lift. Faith requires a new way of thinking. The scriptures tell us that "Through faith we understand." There's an understanding that faith gives you. Your natural life won't give you that understanding but faith will. The most beautiful life is the life of faith. Where you know in whom you have believed. Such that "Though an host encamp against this will you be confident." (Psalm 27:3) In the faith life will you be confident. When you know the victory is sure. Faith is a law and will always work if you follow the principles. Unless another law supersedes it.

Like I said faith is a law. Not an observation; not a culture, but a law.

When you put the principles of faith to work, it either works or it works because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Sometimes it can become a frustration because you're just not getting them desired results. You've been doing everything by the book but still nada. One of the reasons faith doesn't work is because we don't believe that He is. In other words, who He says He is. He's The God who parted the Red Sea with the breath of His nostrils. God isn't your 'homeboy'. The God who caused quail to fall in the camp of Israel. God isn't your work colleague. The one who could love us enough to send Jesus.

He is God. He's a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) The word diligent doesn't mean, "I did it today", it doesn't mean, "I tried it". The word 'diligent' means it's a constant exercise. Faith is a constant exercise. Your faith may not work as it ought to maybe because it's your faith walk. Maybe you're missing some virtues like Peter talked about: " all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (love). For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:5) Maybe you're lacking one of these virtues; causing a hindrance to your faith. Maybe you're hot tempered. Maybe you're the most impatient person. That brother or sister you treat unfairly...such things can hinder your faith. Why not make an adjustment? You knowing yourself.

I'm gonna use the story of Lazarus.

They came to Jesus and said, "Lazarus is sick." He said, "K." And didn't move. Jesus said this sickness is not unto death. But Lazarus died. Imagine. But Jesus said it wasn't unto death. The man still died! But Jesus maintained His confession in saying that he is asleep, and then later decided to go and wake him up. You have to realise that the faith law was at work. The fact that Jesus said it wasn't unto death made it so. He ignored the informations He received from them when they said he was dead. Maintain your confession. Your words cannot return to you void because faith is a law and is in function when the principles are put to work. Jesus' mindset when going to the tomb was this: (the faith law being in full operation) "Father I thank you because You hear me always. What I said days ago that this sickness is not unto death, is still in operation. I'm not going to change it because Lazarus decided to die. When I said it is not unto death You heard me. So what I said still operates." I'm not gonna change what I said because I didn't get the job. I'm not gonna change what I said because the application failed. I'm not gonna change what I said because the economy's failing on me. I'm not gonna change what I said...the faith law is in full operation now. When Jesus got to the tomb He didn't command death to release Lazarus. Because He originally said, "This sickness is not unto death." So when He got to the tomb He spoke to a man that was alive and said, "Lazarus, come out!" Jesus didn't recognise the death. Lazarus could've pretended he was dead for all he liked but to Jesus, he was alive. So that job is still alive. They said you wouldn't get it but you're getting it. They said that business idea can't be done but you're gonna get you that business. Not being moved by what you see or feel, only being moved by what you originally said. No one can change it now because the faith law is in full operation. Remember to never judge a physical thing with something that isn't physical. In other words, why are you still checking for that growth in your body to see if you've been made whole? The physical follows after. The man who was lame before that can now walk won't walk perfectly. It'll take bodily practice and exercise before his walk is straight. But he's healed. Don't use the physical to judge the spiritual. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, not the substance of things seen.

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