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Use What Chu Haaaave!

‘If I just had this, I would have been here by now.”

“I just need this amount of money so that I can attain that goal.”

“I can’t start until I get this particular thing.”

Use. What. You. Have.

‘I don’t have anything though.”

Perfect place to start.

We all know the story of the woman in 2 Kings 4. She lost her husband and was left with two kids. In biblical times, to be married was a source of security and also a dignity. So after her husband died, she didn’t have so much money and debt started piling up. The custom of her culture was that if you didn’t pay your debts, the creditors had the right to take your children and have them work as slaves to pay off what you owe.

This woman is an example of using what you have. No matter how small. She cried out to Elisha when her husband died because she was going through a financial crisis and needed help with the debts. Elisha wondered how he could have been of help and asked her what she had in her house. She said nothing but a little oil. So Elisha tells her to go round collecting bowls, jugs, bottles etc. Not just a few but A LOT. And told her to fill all the bottles with oil. When she was done she told Elisha. He said to go sell the containers of oil and pay off her debts. With that last bit of oil, she paid off her debts.

The focus of this story is that she used, what, she, had. That thing that you see as impossible; too big of a dream for someone like you? The means of getting there is actually laying right in the palm of your hands. That last bit of money that you think isn’t sufficient is that same amount that will get you there. Your bank statement may have been stating the figure zero for a long time now. Makes no difference. Who says you won’t need to sacrifice one of your possessions for a monetary exchange? Knowing that that sacrifice will bring back way more that that thing was worth.

There’s this dream in my heart. The Lord gave me a vision for it. What God showed me looked way too large for someone like me to accomplish. The strategies I didn’t have, the ideas I didn’t have, the resources neither, nor the finances to afford them. After envisioning what God showed me, I chuckled in unbelief. But quickly changed my way of thinking and decided to take up the challenge. I may not have everything to get started, but what I have, is all I’ll need.

So there’s a desire in your heart. Maybe God didn’t give you the vision for it like me, but you strongly desire it. It looks almost impossible. You have to use what you have. Use your mouth and bring your case before God. If you’re dumb, God sees and hears your heart. Tell Him how this desire of yours will win more souls to the Kingdom, draw people to Him. Tell Him how this desire of yours will improve and develop man. God is interested in the evangelisation of the world. Are you improving His people? Are you helping them progress? That desire you have in your heart, if it’s not beneficial to God or His people, forget it and reconsider.

Jesus knows right where you are, and He knows how long you’ve been there. Dust yourself off and turn your ‘nothing’ into something.

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