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Pasyancé Ngembe

CEO Of Pasyancé Enterprise

1. Okay, so could you start off by telling us a bit about yourself?

Hi Lovelies, my name is Patience Ngembe, Patience is pronounced as "Pas-Yan-Cé". I was born in Tanzania, but I'm originally from Congo, currently residing in Brisbane, Australia, I'm in my twenties, and run an empire called; Pasyancé Enterprise, which consists of varies entities under it. 

2. Could you tell us about Pasyancé Magazine and why you started the magazine? 

Pasyancé Magazine, is a Christian based magazine that aims to inspire, empower and captivate its audience by sharing advice, and also sharing stories that show what it really means to be a Christian; that serving God is nothing religious but everything spiritual, nothing like a burden but everything desirable. 

The magazine is quite new. Having launched on the 14th March it is still a work in progress. I came up with the idea earlier this year after I had heard and seen so many testimonies, I thought to myself; "Wow, if only the rest of the world could hear these," and so I decided to create a platform. I wanted Christians all over the world to share their testimonies, stories and words of encouragement. I wanted Pasyancé Magazine to identify God and all the beauty in this world. 

3. So what inspires your content? And what are you aiming to accomplish with your magazine?

Every time I turned the TV on, all I saw was sadness, pain and tribulation.

Society paints a picture that these things are normal, and we should tap into such news, but my God tells me that it's not. He didn't plan for any of these, he predestined every one of us to live happy lives, I know it's hard for people to understand that - which is why his platform is there to show them. 

This magazine aims to inspire people to use the word of God in their lives. To not just attend church services, but to apply everything they learn into their daily lives. I want to provoke believers all over the world, I want them to feel like they "need" to do everything by the bible, in his name, for his glory. 

4. I was particularly attracted to your article, “Lesson Learnt”. Do you mind sharing what the lesson learnt was?

When I wrote "Lesson Learnt", I wrote it from a place of utter disappointment in myself. There was a loss in my community and I felt so responsible for it. I remember Pastor saying in one of his sermons on "The Watchman" that we are accountable for our souls, because they are attached to us. I had the opportunity over a year ago to share the word to someone who had once reached out to me with a desperate cry, but at the time I thought more about my feelings and how much the person had hurt me that I made them non-existent in my life and allowed them to go their way so I go mine. Today that person is no more, as is my chance to preach the word of God to them. I will never forget how I felt in that moment, the burden that weighed on me. It wasn't easy and for that I told myself that I would never let someone walk past me depressed, sad or angry... That I would always, use any opportunity I get to further His word and urge for it to become the centre of someone else’s life.

I learnt my lesson whole heartedly and I don't plan on ever making mistakes concerning; "feelings" ever again.

5. What has been the most inspiring testimonial you’ve received as a result of your magazine?

Pasyancé Magazine is extremely new, I've had amazing comments about it regarding its content, and I know that more testimonies are coming soon. One thing that really stood out to me was a man who’s actually now invited me and my team to his country, for us to host a conference and train his leaders. God is so wonderful; all the glory belongs to Him. When you serve him diligently, your blessings begin to locate you. Although the magazine is new, I have so much faith that it will touch hundreds of people if not millions. 

6. You also run Pasyance Creations and Pasyancé Selfless Servanthood. Tell us a little about those.

The heart of the company is Pasyancé Selfless Servanthood, a non-governmental organisation that seeks to raise an awareness of the need for charity work, through selfless acts of kindness. The NGO aims to be the change, and create an army of young leaders ready to roll up their sleeves and take part in making the world a better place. I don't even know where to start with this one but all I can say is that God has been so faithful, we've been running for over a year now and have been able to feed and clothe over 300 people through our food and clothing drives. We work with various groups, and communities including two orphanages. We also run social media campaigns and competitions, for instance some time last year we started an "Adoption Awareness Month", where we asked people to submit articles on adoption success stories that they know of. The response was tremendous and not only did it have such an impact on our lives and our viewers but it also created traffic for our website. 

Pasyance Creations is a design company, we design flyers, logos and also websites. This department is headed by my head of design, Sheldon Debrah, who is based in Accra Ghana. We use this entity to generate more income for the charity, in order for us to do more. Pasyancé Creations also offers social media creation and management fees, which I handle myself as I am very interested in individual branding and how you portray yourself to the general cyber world.  

7. What’s your advice/word of encouragement for other Christian content creators out there? 

Daniel 5:11 KJV

[11] There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers;

Like Daniel, we have the spirt of God inside of us. When you allow this to really sync in, and continue to meditate on The Word you will hear God's voice. Don't shut him out, listen to him, speak to him and get to a level where you and God are constantly conversing. Get to a level where you realise the power inside of you, because only then will you truly see the potential God has placed inside of you. You will know who you are in Christ, your purpose and you will have full control over your situations, circumstances and most importantly your destiny.

"Lean not on your own understanding" - this is key. 

8. Should we be expecting anything from you in the near future?

Expect a lot, and stay tuned. :) 

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