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Nadine Evans


1. Okay, so could you start off by telling us a bit about yourself?

My name is Nadine Evans; I am 24 and married. Being a British born Ghanaian descendant, I have had the typical up bring of most who are young and black in London. Going to church with mum and studying were the top of agenda. I guess it was all in God’s plan for my heart to turn to him in my youth. I literally grew up in church; giving my life to Christ at age 12 and being raised as a minister at age 14 being a youth leader and Sunday School Teacher. I have been serving in ministry ever since.

2. Could you tell us about your blog and what inspired you to start one?

Well, being married to an amazing man of God, who has the gift of encouragement, I have seen God use him to highlight a skill I always knew I had but supressed - writing. I have been through many experiences in my life so far, from growing up an only child in a single parent home and dealing with rejection, to being bullied at school for being Christian and thinking “I was all that”, to even church hurt.

My blog shares those experiences as well as resources that have helped me along my Christian walk, with the prayer of encouraging and inspiring anyone who comes across it.

3. So what inspires your content?

Through every negative and positive experience, God showed me that they were not in vain, and that they were for a purpose, to help me to grow, as well as for those who are yet to go through similar situations. My blog is a tool to document every revelation I have received on the other side of the tunnel, encouraging others who are in the tunnel, being the light that Christ calls us to be.

4. What are you aiming to accomplish with your blog?

I truly believe in Godly resources like books, and videos, and podcasts, which are streams afforded to us that the disciples in the early church could only dream of; these are our modern-day letters to the churches. I never want my blog to steer away from the ultimate resource the Bible. Biblically sound doctrine should be the driving force of all Christian resources and I want to promote Biblically sound doctrine. My posts are not just about experiences but, they are demonstrations in line with what God’s infallible Word says about us His children.

5. What’s your advice/word of encouragement for other Christian bloggers out there?

Sharing the Gospel, is sharing the Good News. In the times of Paul and Peter, speaking in shipping areas, not only spread the gospel to those who resided in Israel but also to those about to travel on ships to other countries. That was then – now we are surrounded by a world where everyone can have a platform to share good or bad news. As we are called to be beacon of light, we must use our platform to shout the loudest. We must use our platform to shout out the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Collaborating and lifting other Christian Bloggers, not only reaches more people, but is a testament to our Christian walk. Having a Christian platform is not to draw people unto ourselves, but unto God. My advice ultimately is that being a Christian blogger is not about self but about sharing the Good news of Jesus, for the Glory of God, regardless the number of people you may reach initially, you must keep consistent and you must keep Jesus at the centre.

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