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Annabelle Kiefer

Blogger & YouTuber | Life According to Annabelle

1. Okay, so could you start off by telling us a bit about yourself?

My full name is Annabelle Kiefer. I am from Brandon, Florida, born in Largo, Florida and raised in Brandon. I am 17 years old, soon to be 18 (a legal adult, yikes!!) in July. I’m a blogger, YouTuber, social media junky, daughter to the best parents, sister to three amazing and sometimes annoying brothers, and most importantly, a daughter of the One True King, the God of the universe.  My Heavenly Father, who saved me from all of my sins and continues to do so every single day, is the most important factor in my life. My greatest passion is living my life for the One who loves me the most, that being my Savior, Jesus.

2. Could you tell us about your YouTube channel what inspired you to start one?

My YouTube was started just for fun. A little hobby I picked up because I was not the friend type of girl. I am mature for my age and didn’t understand that when I was little so I didn’t get along with a lot of kiddos my age. Consequently, I started blogging, youtubing, and researching how to grow a social media presence. 

3. So what inspires your content? 

My content is inspired by the lessons God teaches me daily. I know I cannot be the ONLY girl experiencing the things I go through. So I blog, YouTube, and post about my struggles in hopes that I can encourage, inspire, and help another just like me.

4. What are you aiming to accomplish with your YouTube channel?

I hope to bring light, guidance, encouragement, and inspiration to many girls just like me. 

5.  I came across your e-book, "Finding Contentment In The Midst Of Waiting," why did you decide to publish the devotional?

I decided to publish my ebook, “Finding Contentment In The Midst Of Waiting” for single girls, just like me, struggling with contentment or singleness. It is a little devotional encouraging girls to find contentment in Jesus. I include action steps on how to become content and scripture to feed the soul. (Get the ebook here)

6. What has been the greatest encouragement in your vlogging experience?

I have come to know that there are no two people alike. I cannot post something that will be like anyone else. So the greatest encouragement in my vlogging experience has been sharing my fun every day life moments with the world and being able to know that it is one of a kind content.

7. What’s your advice/word of encouragement for other Christian vloggers out there?

I would say go share what our Good Lord has given you. You are one of a kind and so is your content. Shine a light in this dark world. Get speaking truth and feeding souls.

8. Should we be expecting anything from you in the near future?

I hope to come out with a new ebook soon! One that will help upcoming Freshmen in College (Secondary School; 14-15 year olds). Get ready graduating seniors (6th Form/ College - 17-18 year olds), you’re gonna want to get this one! 

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